Saturday, February 27, 2010

From a lovely friend of mine.

Women don't dress for guys.They dress for themselves.If they'd dress for guys,they'd be naked all the time.

From my buddy Zane.

Thank god life's a bitch, because if life was a slut, it'll be too EASY.


And dear Rayes is enlisting soon.Maybe only guys have to ns because we have been learning to aim since we were born.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

At attica

Rayes: I heard girls from finland are well do you live up to your reputation?
Mia: Very well *pulls both of hips in*. Are you single?
Rayes: Is that all you've got? Girls have got to be more creative nowadays! *pulls her in closer* Well depends on who's asking.Are you asking for yourself or your friends' behalf?
Mia: We all wanna know.
Rayes: The more the merrier!
Mia: *Starts talking dirty in my ear*
Rayes: Hey now this isn't really the place for this...
Mia: That will be 3.95 dollars please.It was a minute long.
Rayes: What?! Ok i'll talk for a minute long too.
Mia: Nope that will be sexual harassment.